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Decorating symbols

Giving a rich visual representation to a symbol while programming elevates the whole user experience to another level. There is couple of ways on how to do it in WLJS Notebook.


Read about syntax sugar also in Symbolic programming


One can replace a symbol with an icon by applying Interpretation. After first evaluation the representation is lost and the true expression will be revealed

Interpretation[Graphics[Circle[], ImageSize->{20,20}, ImagePadding->None], 1]

The result is a circle symbol, which can be copied multiple times in any cell


Decoration itself does not modify the original expression. You can check it by pasting the result into any text-editor

(*VB[*)(1)(*,*)(*"1:eJxTTM..."*)(*]VB*)  - 1 

Examples in action

A navigation gizmo snippet is made using this technique combined with dynamically generated symbols wrapped in Offload


Using Javascript

One can use a full power of Web to decorate your symbols. For example, create a Javascript cell with a following content


core.SmileyDecorator = async (args, env) => {
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = 50;
canvas.height = 50;
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');

// Draw a cool smiley face adjusted to fit the smaller canvas
ctx.arc(25, 25, 20, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); // Outer circle
ctx.moveTo(35, 25);
ctx.arc(25, 25, 8, 0, Math.PI, false); // Mouth (clockwise)
ctx.moveTo(22, 20);
ctx.arc(20, 20, 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); // Left eye
ctx.moveTo(32, 20);
ctx.arc(30, 20, 2, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); // Right eye


The given function will append a canvas with an image to provided element in the context of its execution. To force Wolfram Kernel to execute this symbol on the frontend one can use ViewBox

SmileyDecorator /: MakeBoxes[s_SmileyDecorator, StandardForm] := With[{},
ViewBox[s, s]


Great! Now we can apply similar trick we used earlier

Interpretation[SmileyDecorator[], 1]

Magic joystick

We can cover from a user all event bindings and etc providing a symbol, which can be used in dynamics

createDynamic2DSymbol[] := Module[{symbol = {0,0}}, With[{
eventObject = InputJoystick[],
helper = InputJoystick`IntegrationHelper[][Function[xy, symbol = xy]]
EventHandler[eventObject, helper];
Interpretation[eventObject, Offload[symbol]]

Then you can create an instance by evaluating this in a new cell


An output is a joystick

Then we need to cut it and paste into the cell below

Plot[Sin[x], {x, -5Pi, 5Pi}, Epilog->{
Disk[ (* paste it here *), 0.5]

Once evaluated you will get a controllable Disk by a joystick inside an input cell

a but more optimized version


here we will not spawn additional wrapper widget, the result is the same, but less overhead to an editor

createDynamic2DSymbol[] := Module[{symbol = {0,0}}, With[{
eventObject = InputJoystick[],
helper = InputJoystick`IntegrationHelper[][Function[xy, symbol = xy]]
EventHandler[eventObject, helper];
With[{display = eventObject[[1]]["View"] // CreateFrontEndObject},
Interpretation[display, Offload[symbol]]

Why? See reference on Interpretation


In this way RGBColor, most mathematical equations, Graphics and other visual sugar was implemented. For example



This is a low-level symbol used in Interpretation, however from temporal decoration we can make a permanent one by defining MakeBoxes for StandardForm

Advantages ✅

  • high-level, accepts anything as a display expression
  • compatible with Mathematica

Drawbacks ❌

  • spawns another instance of an editor, can lead to an overhead

Neutral 💭

  • immutable
  • preserves original expression in the cell

Morse code

Let us make a syntax sugar for a Morse code! Our special symbol for representing a code will be


We need conversion rules

morseTable = {"a" -> ".- ", "b" -> "-... ", "c" -> "-.-. ", 
"d" -> "-.. ", "e" -> ". ", "f" -> "..-. ", "g" -> "--. ",
"h" -> ".... ", "i" -> ".. ", "j" -> ".--- ", "k" -> "-.- ",
"l" -> ".-.. ", "m" -> "-- ", "n" -> "-. ", "o" -> "--- ",
"p" -> ".--. ", "q" -> "--.- ", "r" -> ".-. ", "s" -> "... ",
"t" -> "- ", "u" -> "..- ", "v" -> "...- ", "w" -> ".-- ",
"x" -> "-..- ", "y" -> "-.-- ", "z" -> "--.. ", " " -> "/ "};

ToMorseCode[text_String] := StringReplace[
ToLowerCase[text], morseTable]

morse /: TextString[morse[s_String]] := s

Now let us make boxes for it

morse /: MakeBoxes[m: morse[s_], f:StandardForm] := With[{
code = ToMorseCode[s]
InterpretationBox[MakeBoxes[Style[code, 18, Italic], f], m]

Let's see the result


We can perform back transformation, since underneath we still have an original expression

As the last thing - we can make it audible

silence = Table[0, {t,0,40Pi,0.1}];
dot = Table[Sin[5 t], {t,0,40Pi,0.1}];
dash = Join[dot, dot];

morse /: Play[morse[t_String]] := With[{
code = ToMorseCode[t]
Join @@ (Switch[#,
Join[dot, silence],
Join[dash, silence],
Join[silence, silence]
] &/@ StringSplit[code, ""]) // ListPlay
morse["SOS"] // Play 

MD5 representation

Another example, that shows how to produce graphical output.

Here we will visually encrypt any Wolfram Language expression using our custom wrapper symbol for it

this is our symbol

Now let's define a representation for it

secret /: MakeBoxes[s: secret[expr_], StandardForm] := With[{hash = Hash[expr, "MD5", "ByteArray"] // Normal},
With[{im = Image[Partition[Partition[hash, 3],2], ImageSize->50]},
InterpretationBox[MakeBoxes[im, StandardForm], s]

And we also need a function to reveal the secret

reveal[secret[expr_]] := expr

Here is a demonstration

secret[Plot[x, {x,0,1}]]

then simply copy and paste this symbol to a new cell and apply revel function


There is another built-in function for helping representing objects

Advantages ✅

  • high-level, easy to use
  • compatible with Mathematica

Drawbacks ❌

  • display mostly text fields and a single icon

Neutral 💭

  • practically immutable
  • preserves original expression in the cell

If you want to hear more about OOP-like objects in Wolfram Language - check this guide Creating new type

For example, we have some symbol with information inside its arguments

specialSymbol[<|"Date"->Now, "Color"->Red, "State"->True|>]

Let us decorate it

specialSymbol /: MakeBoxes[obj : specialSymbol[asc_Association], StandardForm] := 
Module[{above, below},
above = {
{BoxForm`SummaryItem[{"Date: ", asc["Date"]}]},
{BoxForm`SummaryItem[{"Color: ", asc["Color"]}]},
{BoxForm`SummaryItem[{"State: ", asc["State"]}]}

specialSymbol, (* head *)
obj, (* interpretation *)
None, (* icon, use None if not needed *)
(* above and below must be in a format suitable for Grid or Column *)
above, (* always shown content *)
Null (* expandable content. Currently not supported!*)

The result will look like this

specialSymbol[<|"Date"->Now, "Color"->Red, "State"->True|>]

This symbol is still valid for evaluation, what you see is only a syntax sugar

One can add an icon to it, which we can make dependent on "Color" field

specialSymbol /: MakeBoxes[obj : specialSymbol[asc_Association], StandardForm] := 
Module[{above, below, icon},
above = {
{BoxForm`SummaryItem[{"Date: ", asc["Date"]}]},
{BoxForm`SummaryItem[{"Color: ", asc["Color"]}]},
{BoxForm`SummaryItem[{"State: ", asc["State"]}]}

With[{icon = Graphics[{
Lighter[asc["Color"]], Disk[{0,0}, 1],
asc["Color"], Disk[{0,0}, 0.8]

specialSymbol, (* head *)
obj, (* interpretation *)
icon, (* icon, use None if not needed *)
(* above and below must be in a format suitable for Grid or Column *)
above, (* always shown content *)
Null (* expandable content. Currently not supported!*)


See how to make dynamic decorations in a guide Creating new type


a low-level building block used by Interpretation, InterpretationBox, ArrangeSummaryBox and others

Advantages ✅

  • fully customizable
  • can emit events
  • usually the fastest approach
  • save up memory - no frontend object is created by the default

Drawbacks ❌

  • requires a symbol defined as WLJS Functions as display expression
  • not compatible with Mathematica

Neutral 💭

  • mutable (see Mutability)
  • preserves original expression in the cell

It gives you full control over a decoration. One can event listen events from there and mutate inner and outer content of it remotely

Simple example

The easiest way of using it to replace an expression with graphics, image or something similar


Lets decorate it

boxObject /: MakeBoxes[boxObject[s_], StandardForm] := With[{
g = Graphics[{Blue, Disk[{0,0},1], Opacity[0.5], Red,Disk[{0,0},s]}, ImageSize->80, Controls->False, ImagePadding->None]
ViewBox[boxObject[s], g]

Normal expressions won't work as a display value in ViewBox, expect already defined one like Graphics, Graphics3D or Image. Other expressions have to be defined as WLJS Functions.

If you still want to pass normal wolfram expression and not to care about anything, please, consider to use InterpretationBox.


If your displaying expression is large, consider to apply CreateFrontEndObject on g before passing to ViewBox. It will store the data separately in a shared storage leaving only the reference in the cell.

The result will depend on a value inside an argument of our symbol

Table[boxObject[i], {i,3}]

There is still a valid expression inside in InputForm

We can make frontend beep, once widget has been destroyed

boxObject /: MakeBoxes[boxObject[s_], StandardForm] := With[{
g = Graphics[{Blue, Disk[{0,0},1], Opacity[0.5], Red,Disk[{0,0},s]}, ImageSize->80, Controls->False, ImagePadding->None],
uid = CreateUUID[]
EventHandler[uid, {"Destroy"->Beep}];

ViewBox[boxObject[s], g, "Event"->uid]

External decorators 1

One can also use Javascript to decorate a symbol. We will rewrite our MakeBoxes for it

boxObject /: MakeBoxes[boxObject[s_], StandardForm] := With[{},
ViewBox[boxObject[s], customDecorator[s]]

Here we did not use CreateFrontEndObject, since our decorator function is quite primitive and does not require much space.

Now it comes to a decorator function, which modifies provided DOM element in the current context (where it was called)


core.customDecorator = async (args, env) => {
const state = await interpretate(args[0], env);
const element = env.element;

element.classList.add('flex', 'rounded-md', 'p-2'); = "1px solid #999"; = "inset 0 2px 4px 0 rgb(0 30% 0 / 0.05)"; = '0.8s'; = 'transform';

setTimeout(() => { = "rotate(360deg)";
}, 100);

element.innerText = state;

Let's check it

One cal also make it dynamic by defining a proper .update method for a customDecorator (see WLJS Functions).

External decorators 2

This is an adapted example from section Full interpretation

Let us try the simplest demonstration possible


This is going to be our gauge meter. We can decorate it as in the previous example using MakeBoxes

gauge /: MakeBoxes[g_gauge, StandardForm] := With[{},
ViewBox[g, g]

If you plan to use it with FrontSlidesSelected or WLX, define WLXForm instead of StandardForm in MakeBoxes or both.

Now an actual implementation for our decorator


core.gauge = async (args, env) => {
// Create a gauge meter element
const gauge = document.createElement('div'); = '100px'; // half the original width = '50px'; // half the original height = '1px solid #000'; = '50px 50px 0 0'; // adjusted for smaller size = 'relative'; = 'linear-gradient(to right, red 0%, yellow 50%, green 100%)';

// Create a needle for the gauge
const needle = document.createElement('div'); = '2px'; = '40px'; // made the needle longer for better visibility = '#000'; = 'absolute'; = '0'; = '50%'; = 'bottom';

// Function to set the needle position based on input value
function setNeedlePosition(value) {
// Ensure value is between 0 and 1
value = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, value));
// Convert value to angle
const angle = value * 180 - 90; // -90 to 90 degrees = `rotate(${angle}deg)`;

// Set initial needle position
const pos = await interpretate(args[0], env);
setNeedlePosition(pos); // Middle position



Now if you evaluate


If you copy it to a normal text editor, you will see the original symbol

Dynamic updates

We can go further and implement methods for dynamic evaluation

change 1

core.gauge = async (args, env) => {

// Create a gauge meter element
const gauge = document.createElement('div'); = '100px'; // half the original width = '50px'; // half the original height = '1px solid #000'; = '50px 50px 0 0'; // adjusted for smaller size = 'relative'; = 'linear-gradient(to right, red 0%, yellow 50%, green 100%)';

// Create a needle for the gauge
const needle = document.createElement('div'); = '2px'; = '40px'; // made the needle longer for better visibility = '#000'; = 'absolute'; = '0'; = '50%'; = 'bottom';

// Function to set the needle position based on input value
function setNeedlePosition(value) {
// Ensure value is between 0 and 1
value = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, value));
// Convert value to angle
const angle = value * 180 - 90; // -90 to 90 degrees = `rotate(${angle}deg)`;

// Set initial needle position
const pos = await interpretate(args[0], env);
setNeedlePosition(pos); // Middle position


env.local.update = setNeedlePosition;

core.gauge.update = async (args, env) => {
const val = await interpretate(args[0], env);

core.gauge.destroy = () => {
console.log('Nothing to do');

core.gause.virtual = true

See more about frontend interpretation WLJS Functions

change 2
gauge /: MakeBoxes[g_gauge, StandardForm] := With[{},
ViewBox[g, g]

Then to check it we use a simple slider

gvalue = 0.1;
EventHandler[InputRange[0, 1, 0.1, 0.1], (gvalue = #) &]

gauge[gvalue // Offload]


The major difference is that we create a decoration only, when the symbol appeared in the editor. For this we will construct a dummy ViewBox just to emit this event

dummy /: MakeBoxes[dummy[handler_], StandardForm] := With[{
uid = CreateUUID[]
EventHandler[uid, {"Mounted" :> Function[ref,
FrontSubmit[handler[ref], FrontInstanceReference[ref]];

ViewBox[Null, Null, "Event"->uid]

where handler will be the function, which actually populates the instance of ViewBox with a content. Let us show the simples example, where it will generate random shapes

handler[ref_] := With[{
g = With[{d = 2 Pi/RandomInteger[{2,16}]},
Table[{EdgeForm[Opacity[.6]], Hue[(-11 + q + 10 r)/72, 1, 1],
Polygon[{(8 - r) {Cos[d (q - 1)],
Sin[d (q - 1)]}, (8 - r) {Cos[d (q + 1)],
Sin[d (q + 1)]}, (10 - r) {Cos[d q], Sin[d q]}}]}, {r, 6}, {q,
12}], ImageSize->{50,50}, ImagePadding->None]]

If you try to evaluate this


Even if a widget (or symbol) got copied, It would still be a unique instance. Once a symbol has appeared in the editor a function handler is called.


Use deferred generation of decorations, if you need to differentiate between copies of the same symbol.

State preservation

Where to store the state? The trick can be done using ViewBox`InnerExpression and keeping the data inside the cell.

Let us have an example with sliders

handler[state_String, ref_, window_] := Module[{
object = InputRange[0,1, 0.1, ToExpression[state]]
EventHandler[object, Function[value,
FrontSubmit[ViewBox`InnerExpression[ToString[value]], ref];

object[[1, "View"]] // CreateFrontEndObject

slider /: MakeBoxes[slider[initial_:0.5], StandardForm] := With[{
uid = CreateUUID[]
EventHandler[uid, {"Mounted" :> Function[assoc,
Then[FrontFetchAsync[ViewBox`InnerExpression[], FrontInstanceReference[assoc["Instance"]]], Function[payload,
FrontSubmit[handler[{payload}//Flatten//First, FrontInstanceReference[assoc["Instance"]]], FrontInstanceReference[assoc["Instance"]]];

ViewBox[initial, Null, "Event"->uid]

Try to evaluate this


When you drag a slider, it updates the original value hidden under the decoration in the cell. If you copy and paste it, for each copy it will create the unique slider